Here at BetCasinoSG, we rely on cookies to provide insights that improve your betting experience.
These tiny files give us helpful information so we can understand how our site performs and craft personalized offerings for users like you. I’ll clarify exactly how our cookies work so you stay informed.
What Are Cookies?
Cookies are text snippets that get stored on your computer when visiting websites.
They register site activity details linked to the specific browser used. When revisiting, cookies facilitate recognition and can supply stored data like login status or website preferences. Helpful really, not invasive.
We Carefully Utilize Cookie Types:
Vital Cookies
These cookies remain crucial for proper site functionality so must stay on. Things like secure account access and shopping cart capabilities depend on them.
Performance Cookies
We implement performance cookies to analyze site traffic patterns from our visitors as a collective whole, helping refine things along the way.
They compile usage metrics to spotlight issues requiring attention yet collect no personal visitor details whatsoever.
Functionality Cookies
These convenient cookies remember choices you’ve made about site display options like preferred language while visiting. Flipping them off impedes our ability to implement selected preferences when back again.
Targeting Cookies
We supplement our first-party cookies with selective targeting cookies from trusted partners to highlight betting offers suiting your passions. They compile anonymous site browsing histories to inform relevant sportsbook promotions. Opting out still permits promotional ads but minus personal tailoring.
You’re In Charge
Via your browser’s privacy settings, you can manage which cookies get stored on your devices.
Specific browser cookie controls vary however, so references respective guidelines. Remember, excessive cookie blocking could hinder full site performance across the web.
Any cookie questions?
Just email and I’ll happily clarify. As improvements unfold, expect occasional policy updates so check back in when you can.
I aim for complete cookie transparency with members here at BetCasinoSG so we can better enjoy the sports we love to bet on!